Thank you for your interest. Please e-mail us if you have a query, or require further information on any of the fishing, experiences or services that we offer. It would help us enormously in providing an appropriate response if you could provide the following information:
- Is your interest in trout or salmon fishing?
- Are you a beginner, intermediate or experienced angler?
- Are you interested in instruction or guiding?
- How many anglers are there in your group?
- Are you interested in day excursion or a short break - if it's a short break, what length are you considering, and do you have any preferred dates?
Shore Excursions
For shore excursions, please also let us know
- At which port you are will be arriving?
- What are your approximate arrival/sailing times?
- Is there anything else that you would like to experience during your short time in port?
Thank you.
If you are an accommodation or services provider, interested in advertising on this site, we would be very pleased to hear from you.